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Whether you’re building your first family home or a downsized place for your retirement, thought and planning can make all the difference.

Our team of experts at Ferntree Homes have gathered 5 tips for building your dream home:

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1. Set Some Goals

Creating a new home is all about goal setting and taking the steps to achieve those goals. Your list of goals is inclusive of a practical and emotional side, each is vital and needs to be recognised so the end result will be perfect.

Some questions you should ask yourself:

  • Where do you want to be?
  • What would you like to achieve, and can it be achieved?
  • How much will this cost me?
  • Have I allowed extra in my budget?
  • Does my plan make sense?
  • Do I have a backup plan?

2. Start with an Architect

You should opt to hire an architect before you even buy your land.  If you already had a site in mind, an architect is the perfect person to take a look and review its appropriateness for the type of home you are wanting. An architect can also plan the best place to position the house in regards to views, shadows, trees, sunlight, and more. The architect will create blueprints of your home, you can use these blueprints to attract bids from builders.

3. Know What You Want In Your Dream Home

An architect can assist in the plans for your home, but you need to have a sense of how much you’re willing to budget, the number of rooms, and the size and style of the home before you get started. Once a home has been framed, additional changes can not only delay your dream home, but can get expensive.

4. Underlit Rooms

Lighting fixtures as well as outlets should be ample, as well as windows. Windows should be in every room and as large as possible. Where possible, opt for natural light as the main source of light. Consider adding skylights as well.

5. Letting Someone Tell You What You Need

Professionals, as well as friends can make suggestions as to what to add into your home, but they can’t tell you what you do and don’t need. You know what is best for you and your family.

Get In Touch – 

Ferntree Homes are your project home specialists. We are passionate about building and delivering well built homes on budget and on time. Although we are specialised project home builders, we also do custom home builds, duplexes and more! Our dedication to detail reflects our passion and commitment to deliver you an exceptional home. To get a quote and speak to us today please

Contact us at sales@ferntreehomes.com.au or (02) 8850 4288

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